What is the Virtual Tumor Board?

Launching in January 2017, the Virtual Tumor Board (VTB) is a next-generation healthcare approach and platform designed to coordinate the complex care of cancer patients. Within the VTB’s HIPAA-compliant online environment, medical professionals across disciplines are brought together by the VTB’s medical board to provide patients with comprehensive, individualized treatment plans.



The VTB is for all cancer patients. Medical professionals across practices areas who are interested in expanding their reach to help more patients become members of the VTB.



Patients and their General Physicians are paired with a Patient Assessment Team (PAT) of medical experts vetted and approved by the VTB. To provide patients with an optimal care team, PATs are assigned on a case by case basis by a VTB Regional Medical Director (RMD) using criteria such as areas of practice and expertise, location, and insurance. Each case is reviewed by the PAT resulting in a ‘Consensus Statement’ detailing the prescribed care of the patient. The team, general physician, and patient participate in maintaining and documenting the patient’s ongoing treatment plan.

Learn More About VTB

Whether you're a Specialist, a General Practioner or a Patient - VTB can help you.
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